
Hi there! This is an experiment of expressing some of my thoughts anonymously about issues of the day. Most of them will be political in nature and focus on our current president, his cronies and his daily despicable actions. To show credibility of thought it will not solely be dedicated only to how he has divided our nation but I will also identify anything positive he may do to move our country foward.

In some respects I’m a coward for not expressing my political views without standing behind them by using my name. However, in todays politically charged environment the reality is you can loose many friends and family members for expressing them.

I’d like to thank my simply awesome spouse for encouraging me to do this and for being the technical computer guru who set this blog up for me.

Next, I’d like to say I despise only typing with my thumbs and have no love of indulging to write and never have.

Next, for those who wish to comment, I ask two things of you. One, please refrain from using profanity when commenting. Two, try not to make your comments personal in nature and stick to the subject of discussion.

Finally, I’m not sure where this blog will lead in terms terms of future dedication to it or how it will be interpreted by the online public. But for now this is where we’re at so here we go!
